Impending doom

Impending doom is one of the most common of the dooms found in this civil society.  See how the workers looked to the clear blue sky with a frown wrinkling their foreheads because of impending doom.  See how the bosses stare agitatedly out the windows of the tenth story offices because of impending doom.  And see how the little boy plays with his sticks and his toys blissfully unaware of impending doom.  He will be the first to go, or the last, perhaps, it depends on which type of story this one is.


Norman, what a strange name for an Italian, but there it is.  I am a little in love with Norman.  Today was the third time I met him, a smile here a chit chat there, him confirming my name, perfectly average for where I come from. But then today, on our third meeting I heard him talk to a unhappy person and the ease and assurity in which he resolved their issue was amazing, even though it was nothing to do with his work.

Normal, what a strange name for an Italian, but there it is.  I am a little in love with Normal.  It was nothing to do with the nudity or indeed his bigdick.  It was nothing to do with the topless dancing women performing the techno funeral march.  It was all about the smile, a little quirky upturned corner of a smiling face.  And a look that say, I know shit.  Oh yes

I have reached a state of drastic unpreparedness.  I am not sure how to do an about...

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...
