Dumn, du dumn, du dumn, there is a little shuffle and the day goes on, on and on, and there is a little enjoyment to be had in this lovely wander through another short paragraph that is devoid of meaning because, quite frankly, much of life is just a flat line of boredom.
Up in space we have our little habits, here we we raise a glass, a rather nice red wine if you must know, pinotage from Stellenbosch to be precise, and the neighbour, or their neighbour, or someone else watching the same show in the tele, isn't it nice to sometimes be part of the crowd, bottoms up!
Subtle art
Once again it is all getting a little slower, a little more, a little more and then we...
May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...