Another game

It is in the games we play, board games, that is.  The games which give us a moment to shower a little confetti, to compliment the other's game skills, or moves.  The little break to tell an anecdote.  And then there may just be a moment later where we remember having a laugh together. 


Truth, a strange and slippery thing. Sometimes it can be so bold, so that everyone agrees they can see, indeed know, the truth. Even though there have been all those times when at a later date everyone agrees in a different truth. But so often there are multiple truths, and no truth at all. What is this truth we strive for.

Bottoms up
Up in space we have our little habits, here we we raise a glass, a rather nice red wine...

May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...
