Play again

Allegiance, what is this weird thing?  I don't use the pronoun we when it comes to any sporting club or nation but there are certain contests in which I hold a preference.  Sometimes it is an historical reason I cannot quite recall, sometimes it is a player, or a style, or a moment of unbelievable skill.  But tomorrow I won't even know if my favourite has played.  Again.


Closer, but still a forgetful slip of the imagination leaves me no more settled in my hopes.  And this is all.about posturing, showing and forcing my way as the way.  But my way is only my way, nothing more, nothing better than another way.  And why should I care if it is not harming me.  We can't control what people think of us.  All I can do is be my best me.

Telling tales
What is it I want?  Is it that impossible thing I believed was my birthright, that...

April 23
Another month slipping into this year, and, sure, I am going to read numerous more books,...
