My role

Is this what gaslighting feels like? The quiet acceptance that not only am I not the main character in the play of my life, but also that I am a minor villain, the type of character who is played by a jobbing actor that no one recognises even though the actor has been in more than a dozen films they have seen. This is my role.


And this was the point at which he turned to me, a small amount of ice-cream clining to holis lower lip and forming a tiny dribble at the edge of he mouth, and he said to me: if I had a strategy for getting rubish out of sewage with a magnet what kind of person would I be.

Feel the sadness
All through the day coming and going were waves of sadness.  Each time I did...

June 23
There seems to be an inertia settling over my days, like a dust that for some reason is...
