watercolour and ink on paper

Horrifying Undercurrents

Inspired by images from the news, or... well, it is a thing we need to think about. We have these surfaces, like here in this image but there are so many surfaces in society, culture, religion, family and work.  And life is full of things, occasionally, a thing ends with a catastrophe, and suddenly the surfaces are broken, and when there is a crack everyone sees their own chaos below the surface.  And if the crack is big enough, well, then the chaos is drawn out.  And then everyone can see the horrifying undercurrents.


Activists and conspiracy theorists
Inspired by images from the news, or... well, what will we do?  Who is it we need to...

July 24
This is the month for the summer takeover, the Amoral Crew will.be diarising their days...

War, migration, scandal, political crisis, and another, sporting prowess, what will this...
