Two beauties

It was a tale of two beauties.  Both I noticed from afar, the first interested me but I let her continue what she was doing until later when I happened to be very close.  Out of her darkness emerged an astounding visage led by a smile.  A smile that grabbed the attention, demanded interaction, a returned smile and a joyful conversation.  The second had form and style and I took a moment to compose myself before approaching.  His looks were not as striking but his figure was so tasty, demanding interaction and a joyful conversation.  Two beauties, the only difference was one I would devour from the top and the other I would devour from the bottom.

Silent Fox
A male nude figure with a pattern, or... well, have you taken offence already? Sure, this...

An exploration of hedonism and failure through the retelling of some of the oldest and...

July 24
This is the month for the summer takeover, the Amoral Crew diarising their days...