But today it didn't feel golden. It didn't feel like it was something I should want because I really wasn't enjoying the silence. Mostly because the silence was not just at the table the silence was also in my head. I had forgotten what it was that I should be thinking about that would lead to conversation, and a little bit of a laugh, maybe.
Sometimes it is quite difficult to puzzle it out, to puzzle out other people's motivations, that it. And that is the thing I am struggling with not knowing today. I can throw in a number of theories: start off with an assuption, put that assumption into the scenario machine I have been making in my spare time and see if the behaviour spat out by the scenario machine fits the behaviour I observed. But the problem is I fed in a number of assumptions and more than one spat out the behaviour I observed. But one of the assuptions would cause me harm, which the other wouldn't. And I do not believe that not knowing which assumption is corect is any way of protecting me against the harm. It is a stupid pithy saying, and the opposite of forewarned.
March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...