watercolour and ink on paper

At the dressing

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour detail from ‘At the Dressing Table’, painted by Félix Vallotton in 1911

Thank you @PetitPalais_ and @StudioTeaBreak

Fake it till you make it.  But there comes a point at which you have moved passed the point of making it, the skill set and understanding needed to make it are just not in your gift, and then the plan is to fake it until you are run out of town, run out of the rodeo. Faker!

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of ‘Woman Waiting for the Moon to Rise’ painted by Uemura Shōen in 1944

Thank you @adachimuseum and @StudioTeaBreak

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of Head of a Black Man, painted...

It is impossible to create a work of art that is not influenced by other people's...