023 :: Ear worm speaker

Naomi looked at the door.  It opened.  Peter came in.

Good morning. (Peter)

He glanced down at her Skroll.  He saw John tapping on a blank screen.

John has a stealth screen on his Skroll.  It is so clever.  I will get one as soon as I can afford it.   It monitors all cameras and eyes and only reveals to John’s iris.  Or whoever he authorises. (Peter)

Naomi looked at him confused.

May I. (Peter)

He pointed at her Skroll.  He raised his eyebrows.  She realised what he was asking.  Leaned away.  He touched her picture.  He touched the translate symbol. 

It will always translate for you now. (Peter)

Yes. (Naomi)

Life is now your very own subtitled foreign film. (Peter)

Peter had not spoken English.  Naomi read his words.  The Skroll could translate anything.

What do I do day. (Naomi)

English. (Peter)

Naomi stared at her Skroll.  Clearly annoyed. 

Look.  Look.  I no need English ever again.  I do anything I need with a Skroll.  Everyone in London has a Skroll.  No. (Naomi)

No.  The reason you are here is to learn English.  The reason they pay so little is to give you the English experience.  So you can learn English. (Peter)

Peter glared down at Naomi.  She did not look up at him.  She did not touch her Skroll.  She lay motionless.

Sorry.  The only way to learn English is to speak it.  Let me show you.  Pass me your Skroll.  Please. (Peter)

Naomi held up her Skroll.  She still did not look at Peter.  Peter held his finger at the one end.  He cupped his hand at the other.  A tiny speaker dropped onto his palm.  He picked it up between his thumb and forefinger.  He held it to Naomi’s ear.  It wormed its way in.  She screamed.  She shook her head.  She tilted her head.  She banged her head.  She hit herself again.  Peter grabbed her hands.  He pulled them down.  He held her firm.  Face down on the bed.

It is okay.  It is alright. (Peter)

Peter knelt on the bed.  He pulled her into an embrace.  Held her with one arm.  Held up her Skroll with the other.

Sorry.  Sorry.  It is okay.  It is meant to be like that. (Peter)

Naomi looked at the Skroll.

Sorry.  There is so much to learn.  I forget what it was like when I first came here.  I forget how different it is to the other world. (Peter)

Naomi relaxed.  She rested her head against him.

It is just the remote speaker.  It adjusts to the shape of your ear hole.  It fits snug so it is all you hear.  And so it does not fall out.  You get used to it.  Soon your ear will feel wrong without a speaker. (Peter)

Naomi closed her eyes.  A tear slid down her cheek.  Peter wiped it away with his finger.  She lifted her head.  Leant away from him then kissed him on the cheek.  He turned towards her.  She leaned forward slightly.  Like she was going to kiss him again.  On the lips.  She stopped.  Her hand moved down.  Like she was going to grab his cock.  She stopped.  Peter reached for her face.  He tucked her hair behind her ear.  He knelt up.  Away from her.  He put the Skroll between them.

Is the speaker okay in your ear. (Peter)

Naomi nodded.  He tapped the Skroll a few times.  He pointed to a new symbol next to the translate symbol.

You tap that.  You type the sentence you want to say.  Then the sentence plays in English in your ear. (Peter)

Nomi tapped the symbol.  Typed.

You smell mintee. (Naomi)

Fresh for my morning duties.  You smell like sleep. (Peter)


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