December 23

Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I am fairly convinced noone is going to read these notes.  Not myself, not an interested party searching for background, not even a casual passerby looking in this virtual window and with an interested engagement before deciding there is nothing to go on.  Let's have festive fun.


I am still on the roundabout spinning, spinning, not sure if I am trying to get to...

In this game the currency in which the cost needs paying is ignoring rudeness, spite and...

A beautifully told story, it must be said.  It must be read, it must.  Here in...

Listening alone
Then, listening to the story the scientist was regaling on the radio, I heard the throw...

To flog or not
Sometimes I wonder about this dead horse, dead or not, the horse seems to have retired to...

Cardboard cutout
There were things, motivations that were, perhaps, not disclosed.  Dishonest. ...

Proving a negative
The principle is to think the best of a person, to think the best of all persons, and to...

Confuse me
So, this slipping by. This not taking opportunities, I wonder if your question was about...

And me
And together we were reading a tale I was pretty sure I was the only one who had...

Tick the ticks
Like an advert of a young slip of a thing dancing, gliding between flowers skipping down...

Baking cookies, carefully measuring the ingredients but then banging in a little more of...

You might reply
If I told you about them I would say they are a conversation in my mind.  While that...

A tiny crack opens, where, I heard, the light gets in, that ting crack perceived through...

This is the time of year for continuous action.  Action motivated by kindness, for...

Out of the way
There is still kindness in the streets, and in the stores.  There are still folk...

Patience, now there's an interesting thing.  Those good things that are said to...

Mucky muck
Try, try to ensure they understand what you think, not what you think they want to hear...

Unexpected intimacy
There is an intimacy working at the checkout, casting an eye over the products can,...

Get a grip
I seem to be quite insistent on running on empty.  Well, not empty, but I keep...

A little laughter, it is good for a lot of things, I wonder if it is indeed a good...

In our likeness.
When I was young I expected I would matter, specifically, I would matter in a way that is...

I agreed
Is the end of the year a good time for resolutions?  Is this when we should be...

Seaside in winter
Does a sunny day a summer make? Certainly a windy day at the seaside has made for a...

Fake and retiring
There is this tricky problem that I haven't solved again this year, perhaps I should...

Winter endings
The wind is gentler now, it still makes a sound in the trees outside the window but not...

Goodbye, farewell, so long and all that.  It has been a merry old time, another...
