February 23

Mostly this month I will be reading, this month and the next I have twenty books...  And when I am not reading I will be drawing stories, because that is what I have wanted to do since, well, a long time.  And when I am not drawing I will think of nice things to say to people, everyone.  That is my resolution for this month.

A tiny tale
And there it is, a full day's work an I have half a dozen doodles that just might...

The big read
It has started, I felt a little tingle as I opened the package and saw the cover. It was...

Night marks
And now I take this time away from my sleep, now I catch this late game and cheer, cheer,...

Compliment confetti
I am far better at doing nice things than at saying nice things.  I wonder what it...

Alcohol and you
Karla was a gripping yarn, it nicely drew the tension between the characters, alternating...

In control
I must remember to thank her, she so often, it seems, comes up with the right suggestion...

Getting On
Today was a day for getting on with it.  It did not matter that I was feeling...

Owl Cat
A good story, but not quite a better story.  A good fable about a man who falls in...

Certainly uncommon
There is one side of the story where I say if I am not part of the family then I...

Blah blah blah
New found repetition of bad habits, here I sit eating pointless calories while I watch...

Mr Birthday
In a rather nice moment I was writing was invaded by a shaggy dog story, and although it...

Sunday coffee feeling
Today was not the day, today was just a day of feasting and relaxing.  The small...

Listing a plan
It is all such a lot of fiddle.  Starting to do something means getting ready to do...

A competent tale
I wonder, is there really a need to retell the story of Frankenstein by placing it a few...

Raise a glass
I remembered this day, the one that should be remembered, but it was not marked, it...

So Very Nothing
So, I said something nice, I thought of something tht I could say and I said it. ...

Lost, not lost
There are a number of voices out there giving us the brown experience, I read this great...

Searching for a voice
I spent much of today drawing a graphic story, it is the second trifling little outline...

And what shall I do at moment when I reach for the distraction, that waste of time, than...

Phallic knobs
What are the rules of change? Are they as simple as believing the decoded word found in...

Things get done
So once again I have stayed up later than I felt comfortable with but this time it was...

The precipice
Sometimes when I am at the precipice, when I look over my knees become week and my head...

Busy lives
And we do, we have busy lives.  Business that sometimes stops us from being clever,...

So I did
I thought about mentioning the amount of stuff that got done today, the number of young...