Always expected

They said the troubles, they said apartheid, they said it was different, and it was, there was always something that could go do very wrong, so very wrong in a now you are dead way.  And they were right to kill you, as everyone hates every one and vengeance was the expected. Always expected.


Once again it is all getting a little slower, a little more, a little more and then we wait a little longer and what is it all about? I should not stress out about doing kind things for others, I should not worry about what impression I am giving, no more posing for the sake of posing. That is what I got from the subtle art of not giving a fuck.

There are many times in which this modern life has taken to celebrating mediocrity, but...

May 23
A fitting way to start a new month is to take the next step, one foot in front of the...
