Lost thoughts

This morning as I walked to work I thought of something, an interesting idea.  I can pinpoint where I had the thought of a map with a big red pin.  I can also pinpoint on the map where I realised I had forgotten the idea less than ten minutes later.  I have mulled on it all day and the idea has not returned.  Perhaps I should draw a picture with missing detail, forgotten areas in memory of lost thoughts.


Let me tell you about the dream, for it is really a distopian novel in the waiting.  Or even a current story, if we are that far already.  

All forms of communication have been reduced to the words tapped on a screen.  For the hero, a middle aged man, all human contact is through the screen.  It is not that he is isolated in some form of virtual world, just that the post virus world shuns physical contact or talking.  The crux of the story is that the hero's text has changed from blue to pink which means he no longer is able to pay for data storage, thus any words beyond the 144 characters is discarded, forgotten, lost.  And this it is the hero loses his voice and is himself discarded, forgotten, lost, as without a voice he has no way of earning the money to buy more data storage.  

I think he might have forgotten how to delete old data to make space for the new.

How much is too much
So, she comes half way round the world to visit on my side of the world and I would like...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...
