About the money

They practice, all day, all year, all the years since they were young they have been practicing, competing.  Winning, although there was only one winner the runner ups pay cheque seemed a fair amount of winning, but as the commentator had said earlier, in a different context, it can't always be just about the money. Well done to them.


A nude male figure a pattern and other words, or...  The words came from something that has gone wrong, but things haven't done that.  Not in the same way anyway.  Today is just a little awkward, always a little awkward.  It is just how things go and it is not a thing that I can own.  It is not ieven a thing in which I can put my best foot forward.  Nothing to be done.

A new book
May I try new paper, I haven't tried it yet but I have it.  A plane notebook...

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...
