December 24

My feet are cold as I write this, I could get up and find some socks, some slippers or a little blanked but with these cold dark days comes an apathy, a tiredness that drains away the movement.  Soon we will be picking ourselves up for the festivities, for the excitement of the winter festival but surely it is plain to see that winter is a time for quiet, a time for withdrawl, a time for contemplation.  Winter is a time for small tasks, a time for preparing for the new and a time for contemplating the old.  I wonder if this christmas I will be the person I want to be.


The Lamb and the Wolf
A WOLF pursued a Lamb, which fled for refuge to a certain Temple. The Wolf called out to...

On mischief and insult
THE KID AND THE WOLF mischief /ˈmɪstʃɪf/ playful misbehaviour, especially on the...

A place to be content
The naked woman with the LAMB mask wanders into a courtyard.  The sun is shining,...

Cost of Closing
Collaging together images from the news, or... the pretax losses quadrupled and the...

Shouting the loudest
Then I remembered I had just written a note about being stuck, not knowing which way to...

The Lion and the Hare
A LION came across a Hare, who was fast asleep. He was just in the act of seizing her,...

The slight man stood on the corner for a long time, well over ten minutes.  He was...

Beyond this point
The slight man with the slight limp walked confidently throught the courtyard, curving...

Must reassure consumers
Images from the news collaged together, or... to put it another way the consumers must be...

Not planning a murder
Images rom the news collaged together, or... it was said she had not met anyone evil,...

With success comes a new threat
A nude male figure with a beach, or... when thinking about the possibility of new and as...

Heartfelt thanks
Collaging together images from the news, or... a contemplation on strength, care and...

Measurable, lasting outcomes
A nude male figure in front of a sign, or... another look at how things can be better...

As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...
