watercolour and ink on paper

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My sketches are inspired by the use of images on social media particularly in storytelling and reporting of current events.  Follow me or contact me:


Latest Sketches:

The FOX and the MASK
FOX entered the house of an actor FOX sauntered through one room FOX...

Exaggerated after strike
A nude male figure on a bed of words, or... a subtle change was made in the...

This lustful beast
Oh my knight, you lustful, passionate beast, you warrior, agressive and determined, nay,...

/ˈfrʌɪtnd/ afraid or anxious. "a frightened...

Essential Supplies
Inspired by images from the news, or... while we keep pushing, while we keep trying,...

Does joy make us better
And so we were distracted by intensity of old feelings.  Strong words were spoken...

Discharges breached permits
A naked male figure, or... 

The Rules
A naked man with a wolf mask pulls a suitcase into a room.  It is his first...

The idea and the thing
To the left of this queen are the idea, my ideas, your ideas, the idea of ideas.  To...

Guilt is overwhelming
Collaging together images from the news, or... perhaps, investigating the feeling behind...

XVIII The Moon
And so began my week of lunar confusion.  The path I had trodden so casually...

/ɪnˈdɪf(ə)rənt/ having no particular interest...

Doubts grow over
Naked male figure repeated, or... while the plan was made with consideration of the...

The invitation
The invitation is in his left hand. And in his right his phone for checking the...

The result of well chosen words
Words, nine short lines and I thought that was good, that was something to read to the...

Not posing threat to life
Inspired by images from the news, or... While we are examining the question we have to...

Share the emotion
The thing, the real thing, is feeling the emotion, sharing the emotions.  Listening,...

Stories of wisdoms
A delightful surprise, a voice from behind, oddly familiar, oddly because I had not seen...

Extraordinary Hypocrisy
A nude male figure with pattern, or... we need to talk, sometimes.  Would you do the...

What kind of friend are you?
And can you see me now?  The friends can see each other, they notice each other and...

/ˌapəˈθɛtɪk/ showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or...

Calls for real peace
Inspired by images from the news, or... Yet again when I opened the newspaper on my...

Sickened by Revelations
A naked male figure with a pattern, or... It is those moments when I am let down either...

The first moment inches apart
In the dream there were two people inches apart reaching for each other yet not quite...

/əˈstɒnɪʃt/ adjective: astonished greatly surprised or...

Repercussions are inevitable
Inspired by images from the news, or... Well, there are so many things that are...

The Sick LION
Sick LION, that cunning old queen Let everyone know: I can only be...

Attractive sneering
We sat together criticising the performance, the structure and the flaws, minor as they...

Fewer than one in five
A male nude figure, or... Well, there are not many who are strongly apposed, the...

The hope of a healthy boundary
Boundaries, they are there to protect us, to allow us to relax for a moment and not...

/ɔː/ a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or...

Pay the Price
Inspired by images from the news, or... 

I am not sure it is as clever as they are making it out to be but it does have some...

Just polite
It is strange, she is such a lovely person but I am not sure she really wants to get to...

Unpopular plan to cut
A male nude figure with leaves and other words, or... It is interesting considering...

/rɪˈspɛkt/ admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities,...

Three-year wait
Inspired by images from the news, or...  We have to consider how much we make folk...

All smoke
When there is a story about smoke, will there be the type of fire you expect or will it...

What we have
They have somewhere better to be, that is why they are not here.  And us, we...

Centre Right Ahead
A male nude figure with other words, or... 

The truth of healing relationships
Of course the queens cup is large, it is a symbol of her empathy.  Of her strength,...

/ˈvaljuːd/ considered to be important or beneficial; cherished. "a...

Magic in the tussle
A naked male figure, or...

A sharp cut from the core
Turmoil, conflict and restriction can be found within when our core beliefs nip and cut...

/ɪnˈadɪkwət/ lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a...

Behind the tales
It can be very clever to say something unexpected but it may not be a work of art beyond...

Mating season
A naked male figure reclining, or... 

How to light a fire
The queen wants to burn bright and steady, to show exuberance and enthusiarm and not to...

/ˈsliːpi/ needing or ready for sleep. "the wine had made her...

Unbearable strategy and waiting
Inspired by images from the news, or...

Join the Dots StoryDots are short paragraphs pulled together in a story.  The...