Faking Zen

It appears the best approach to seek out the correct approach to Zen, is to fake it.  By placing many exciting and entertaining while yet productive activities, like reading a good book or sketching an interesting sketch or noting a details towards a character sketch here, on this place.  And when these solutions are in place, and trouble strikes, then there is no need to get her up.


Janet had been an unpublished author for nearly two months now and the redundancy money was running out.  She certainly could not afford the holiday she was taking which was why John was paying.  Janet hated relying on John.  She had no problem living off John's benevolence but struggled against the trap of needing to ask.  If John gave, and he often did, she took, but if John didn't think about it she did without.  The decision she needed to make was should she take a job or should she push through with writing.

One love
The moment that came closest to overwhelming me, the moment when I thought I might have...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...
