Grafters and the talent

I think the others will say that I carry the group a little.  I guess they will say it is because of the work I put into it.  They won't recognise my talent.  That is fine, I know how talent works.  It is just a question of making mistakes then saying it was really the original plan.  OK, I am being a little glib about some of the more creative ones here.  But I tell you what we don't have here is divas.  What we have here is some talent, some grafters, of which I don't mind being one, and everyone else in between.  

I have seen the decline
Images from the news collaged together, or... perhaps an allegory of the pointlessness of...

June 24
Say something nice, clever, funny, or uplifting.  This will be easy on a Monday when...

An exploration of hedonism and failure through the retelling of some of the oldest and...