One day, when I am big I am going to work out what it is that I want to be. It seems that most of the things I have done I have been reasonably successful, but I have got distracted, disinterested, and become poor at what I was doing. Run out of motivation because, as I like to tell myself, it is not what I really want to do. Because what I really want to do is write. But today I got a bit despondent as I re-read something I wrote last year, and it wad poor. Piss poor really.
Strangest thing, fearing confrontation. I guess I worry that I might appear foolish. I guess I worry I might burst forth with nonsense. Even when the confrontation is something so minor as taking back a slightly soiled product, even when all I have ever done when working in a shop is enjoyed the chats with customers. But I didn't want to do it, spent half a day avoiding it then it was easy when I did. Strange.
All the bits
Helpless, frustrated and angry that nothing I can do makes any difference. My body...
February 24
So, there is this issue. It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...