The complaint

The response to my complaint was an okay. It seemed the complaint was heard.  It seems the complaint was understood.  It seems the complaint was turned down.  It seems the logic in the decision to turn it down was sound.  And the demeanour in delivering the result was somber.  There is no reason to complain about the result of the complaint but I had such hope that it would be upheld.  Hope that was dismissed when the complaint was turned down.  And now where will I find some hope.


I did it for enjoyment only.  It was not quite true, mostly it was for enjoyment, but a little bit of it was for people to think I am clever.  Thing is, with this one I am clever, the things I did were cleverer than anything the others did.  Not that it makes mine notably clever, it was, on this occasion the opposite.  Theirs were notably devoid of clever.  So where do we go now. 


Bearable life
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January 24
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