The best effort award

You should take a moment to watch them, take some time to think about how you want to approach their age, their slowing age.  The time they take to make a decision, do they realise they are going to get it wrong, you have yo spend a lot of time with the grandchild to know what is the right gift.  But getting it right us not the point, making the best effort is.  


So, she comes half way round the world to visit on my side of the world and I would like to visit her while she is not too far away.  I think that 32 hours travel for a dinner is silly as the dinner will be shit after 16 hours journey.  Her trip means another day she will be 8 hours away, but I can only stay for afternoon tea. Are these worth it?  How much is too much.

The message
Today I had the weight of disappointing someone I don't want to disappoint follow...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...
