
What on earth is it that could be gained on the swing that would be lost on the roundabout?  Is this a tale of a hardy yet foolish child gleefully playing on the swings but bitterly disappointed by the roundabout?  I feel it should be said that many of the playground apparatus are designed to give similar thrills, not gain here and lose there .  Don't go on the roundabout if you lost there last time.


Summer has ended and I feel the autumnal crisis approaching with the rain preparing the way for the cold, and will the climate crisis make it a bitter winter?This month I am going to explore the idea of developing a theme in my art and this concentrating less on the daily sketch... I wonder how this emphasis will blossom on this daily sketch platform.

For a moment it was all very clear.  Nothing was different to the day be fire, to the thought before.  The facts were the same, the observations were the same but the thought was different.  I needed to think about it the other way round.  Instead of the effect it had on me, rather my response to the effect.  Instead of shouting why is everyone calling me a shit when I am doing the same as I ever did, rather thinking about how I should act now the situation has changed.

How normal.can it be, perhaps a good sign of normal is to be able to laugh at impending...

September 23
Summer has ended and I feel the autumnal crisis approaching with the rain preparing the...

Spend what it takes
Cropped nude figure with fists
