January 24

Positivity and proactivity are the words I am throwing into this month to make it a delicious peach with succulent juice dribbling through the days wet with sexuality and natural sweetness, for January is the month of stoicism and refined sugar, processed food are to be avoided.

Resolve this
As is traditional in all secret diaries published on the internet I shall begin this year...

Tomorrow Again
A good start is to get things done, keep working at it and the things will get done, no...

The Bigger Picture
The rain did not stop us, all twenty thousand of us gathered seated thighs pressed...

Worst offence
There is no point in trying to work out how much any of us involved were responsible, and...

It was a story about a person who had spent their life, or at least the twenty years of...

Two separations
Those big galleries with those fabulous artworks, well, the ones close to me I have been...

Make me smile
It made me smile, just a little bit of a smile but a smile it was, when the councillor...

Concrete art
The illusion of art comes in many forms, but one form I think deserves a little more...

And stoned
So the story was told, a great budget was spent by numerous people on numerous people and...

A little closed
I wasn't the best me today, not a bad me, not a disappointing me but a me that...

More resolution
Organisation.  So far I seem to be doing quite well on the dietary resolutions but I...

Leather suit
Hidden beneath that suede jacket that flowed from the shoulder to the floor was a leather...

A Frugal Utopia
The nicer coffee, perhaps 2 pounds more than the basic.  A nice cheese every few...

In my head
This time I have to be present and perform, this time, and then after I will think it was...

Nice words
As I get older I am more troubled by not getting the sleep I wanted, even though the...

What are our motivations, doing something together can be so enjoyable simply from the...

By the sea
In this story we discover what the thing was that was to big for the protagonist to cope...

The phone man
She was telling me this story about the man who had kept her on the phone all day with...

Debauchery dreams
I was thinking about B today.  He was the kind of guy that crazy stuff happened...

Team you
Starting a story with a character failing at one thing may establish the underdog empathy...

Understand me
So much of today I was on the edge of falling.  On the edge of emotional...

Say nothing
And so, there was a long conversation in which I learned one thing, I learned that the...

Devoid of clever
I did it for enjoyment only.  It was not quite true, mostly it was for enjoyment,...

The complaint
The response to my complaint was an okay. It seemed the complaint was heard.  It...

Bearable life
Now the end of the month is here and I have, I think, mostly kept to the...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...

As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...