Winter endings

The wind is gentler now, it still makes a sound in the trees outside the window but not as constant as it was earlier.  And the tappity tap on the rain drops is more of a patter than a flowing drum but the cars, few as they are now as it is late, the car tyres still make a washing sound on the street.  It is a good winter storm, a nice day to be indoors, reading a good book.


There is this tricky problem that I haven't solved again this year, perhaps I should set it as my task for solving it next year.  The problem of being cheerful and happy together after the interjection.  The interjection that throws everything off kilter, a little, off balance because my reaction and yours are so different.  The best I have done so far is pretending it doesn't matter until it doesn't.  Fake it till you make it, but faking it can be so tiring. 

Goodbye, farewell, so long and all that.  It has been a merry old time, another...

December 23
Now there are many posts in this chain, I believe streak is the pore appropriate word, I...
