Random art

There will be a bunch of nude figures, all naked self portraits but not posed by the self instead posed strictly to the rules set in an arbitrary and unseen manner within a structure laid out by art history, for example a random number of art works from the entrance to the national gallery.  I wonder.


When I hit the pavement I wanted to roll over onto my back and stay there, then I panicked that my trousers were torn at the knee, my knee hurt, as did my elbow.  But I got straight back on the scooter.  For the rest of the journey I thought about what I should say, that I had a fall?  Am I of that age that I had a fall?  But no several hours later I was certain I had taken a tumble which is fitting for my age.

Half a glass
Check out this glass, if it is half full then does that mean I am happier with my glass,...

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...
