
And when the listening is done it is time to talk.  Time to talk, the words written in bold, no, in glowing lights, a sign above the door when entering.  But without that gift of small talk, the kind that makes all feel heard, without that gift, to talk meens wanting to say something and you are not even sure you want to have something to say. 


An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of winter letting it in, we pass into this month of stoic routine preparing for the quiet nut not quiet yet.  In keeping with this spirit I will keep working on the old male nude and the amoral twist to the fable.

Those crows
He looked at his foot, a misstep.  Momentarily the wrong place to set his foot, the...

October 23
An so with the darkness knocking at the door patiently waiting for the inevitability of...

There are times when it is good to listen.  It started with a little enthusiasm,...
