Today I had the weight of disappointing someone I don't want to disappoint follow me.through the day. It coloured everything, annoyances and frustrations amplified, concentrated moments distracted. And all through the day I was building to the point where I could raise my concern that I might disappoint, in the future. I have now done it, oh the joys of instant media, all day to work up to the text.
You should take a moment to watch them, take some time to think about how you want to approach their age, their slowing age. The time they take to make a decision, do they realise they are going to get it wrong, you have yo spend a lot of time with the grandchild to know what is the right gift. But getting it right us not the point, making the best effort is.
A desire for a particular thing to happen, I think hope is active, it is not a whimsical...
November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...