Do not know

Then I said the you don't know me at all.  It was said in annoyance, it was said in frustration, and later I tried to redirect, misinform, change the construct.  But maybe it is true. Maybe that is the problem with all this lot.  Maybe that is what matters, now.


Holding my breath in case someone spots that I am an imposter, that I am not meant to be here, in this place of privileged and luxury, but where is it I should be, where other than just not here.  Such a bleakness I have no hope of finding the words so this little will suffice.

A naked image dripping with anger and disappointment, shown in the wire figure emaciated, and misunderstood. So tragic but life goes on, so tragic but spinach is a good source for iron. We need more iron.

A naked image dripping with anger and disappointment, shown in the wire figure emaciated, and misunderstood. So tragic but life goes on, so tragic but spinach is a good source for iron. We need more iron.

Sitting on this bench, all I am doing is sitting here on this bench, nothing more, it is...
