November 22

The wind blows the rain to the core, making the fool who went out without enough layers shiver and shake and say it was never this cold, the forecast did not predict what is now real.  Why forecast if it is just a guess.

Trying again
Another late night, moments and resolutions discarded and ignored, if only I were to have...

My, how time ... Hang on, that is not the point.  Yes it was a good day working but...

Then there was the assumption I made, the decision was based on fluff, not taking the...

Feels like home
Like for everything there is a season, perhaps for everyone there is a place, should we...

A clock goes tick tock but the sound of wasting time is tiktok.  But taking the time...

Twice v half
Sometimes it is better to do half as much twice as often than to do twice as much half as...

Stress distress
It can be amusing watching a stressed person try to complete a complex task, a complex...

Inconsistent synapses
I wonder, sometimes, if I could possibly be wrong, perhaps, inside, somehow, the...

What ruler
What can I learn from the many hours I have invested in this, what is the ruler I should...

Post-orgasmic lull
And I thought, this is a great build up, this is going to be monstrously magnificent...

Past thrill
What a little moment of excitement, a drawing purchased for more than before, I asked for...

I always felt like this is where I belong, she said, and in some ways she is talking...

Then come the moments when sadness seems to truly be nothing more than a chemical...

The unexpected
Sometimes the unexpected happens, I guess that is what the gambling industry relies on....

Bird thoughts
To be noticed, to be noticed and thought on, thought provoking, thoughts leading to...

Little notes
Little notes may be a way to practice, to sharpen my metaphor, to find phrases and turns...

Eating cookies
How time flies when you're eating cookies, beautiful, delicious cookies, just the...

Who but I
Waiting for a change, waiting for a miracle.  It is I that must change, it is I that...

Deep it
Don't you find that time travels so swiftly when you are deepening thought, perhaps...

Judged by your cover
The thing about books is they are a sign, the reader can be decoded by understanding the...

Damn things
There is no reason why they shouldn't continue to operate in the way it has in the...

If she asks tell her I gave you ice-cream, sometimes it can all be a little confusing...

December 22
Twenty two is in the last run, all that rains is festivity and party, present and feasts,...
