Make me smile

It made me smile, just a little bit of a smile but a smile it was, when the councillor talked to me like she knew who I was, I surreptitiously checked her name online and joined back in the conversation.  The councillor didn't use my name, just spoke warmly like she knew my name.  But I guess that is what councillors do: they make you feel you matter to them 

Those big galleries with those fabulous artworks, well, the ones close to me I have been to quite often and am not as regularly surprised and inspired by the works as I have been in the past.  But today I noticed a few things, the one I am putting in this note is about combinations.  Putting together different images that form a story, perhaps cause and effect, perhaps before and after, perhaps aspiration and decline.  Two images that form part of a narrative but may not relate to each other, except visually through the art techniques of colour and space and shape.

Concrete art
The illusion of art comes in many forms, but one form I think deserves a little more...

January 24
Positivity and proactivity are the words I am throwing into this month to make it a...
