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It may not be new but, really, every conversation is new, even the conversations that are complaints that this conversation has happened before. Even the conversation about a story, a written story that has been read before, many many times, and discussed, many times. Today we read the story together, talking about our thoughts, going back, reading bits again, moving on. An hour of this and I was energised, chatty to the point of being a little silly.

A nude male figure with other words, or... Perhaps this is just a little disappointing moment.  No,not the slop, though surely it would soon be filled with slop, though who is to say that this diversion is any better than slop.  I may never be as popular as slop, though I have worked harder than the algorithm.  Perhaps this is a moment of waiting for the passing of the spam, the emptying on the junk and the demise of the slop.

The outsider
Unsettled, but isn't it interesting what constitutes the outsider.  The person...

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...
