Which best

What is the best me that I can be this week.  Is it the me that will make me the happiest, the one that makes a list of things to be completed, things that will make my day easier, or achievements that will give me satisfaction, and then work as hard as I can to get them done.  Or is it the me that cares and loves and listens to those about me and thinks about nice things to do for those folk with the hope of living a shared joy.

There is a certainty in the writing, a brevity that, no matter how brief, leaves the reader with the knowledge that all the pertinent information has been passed.  Not just the facts, but also the emotions.  Now there is where the genius of the work lies, I feel there is nothing more to know.  Okay, I may have received the information in a strange order, but that is life, a story that seldom runs the straightforward plot of the fairytale.  And who is your favourite fairy vampire?

The joy on the faces of the young and old alike as they bent and twisted the clay to the...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...
