Bearable life

Now the end of the month is here and I have, I think, mostly kept to the resolutions.  Just another eleven months to go, if that is how I want to go.  I wonder if there is a realistic expectation that other than myself things will change.  I guess it is always realistic to expect nothing will change except what I can change about myself.  So I have to think are these resolutions the solutions to a bearable life?

The response to my complaint was an okay. It seemed the complaint was heard.  It seems the complaint was understood.  It seems the complaint was turned down.  It seems the logic in the decision to turn it down was sound.  And the demeanour in delivering the result was somber.  There is no reason to complain about the result of the complaint but I had such hope that it would be upheld.  Hope that was dismissed when the complaint was turned down.  And now where will I find some hope.

January 24
Positivity and proactivity are the words I am throwing into this month to make it a...
