Understand me

So much of today I was on the edge of falling.  On the edge of emotional collapse.  An hour long walk in which much of my breathing was to keep my emotions stable.  It is what it is.  Nothing but what it is.  I would like more.  I get it seems to be that my asking for more means another gets less.  But I don't think that is the case.  I just want more understanding.

Starting a story with a character failing at one thing may establish the underdog empathy of the reader with the protagonist but oh, why expose a weakness with the very first cation.  It would be ridiculous to expect a good outcome from a job interview which starts with a failure!  Not impossible, just rediculous.  There are other ways to establish an empathy with the reader, succeeding, for example, we all love success.  Or a quirk, they're the best.  Or team you, you are fabulous too.

Say nothing
And so, there was a long conversation in which I learned one thing, I learned that the...

January 24
Positivity and proactivity are the words I am throwing into this month to make it a...
