Get aHead

We read so much into animals, we give our pets human characteristics, we spend hours watching videos of cats, or dogs.  To keep up with this thought, I like doing the reverse: to give animal characteristics to people. I love drawing animal parts on humans.

A Hotbed of Scandal
A nude figure with an animal head taking afternoon tea in the stripe room.

Do Wolves Howl at the Moon
These nude figures with wolf heads are howling but to whom do they howl?

A Lonely Voice
It is a funny old story, twisting and turning on a great arc only to get back to where it...

Fun begets fun
Fun begets fun, we spend a little time preparing for the fun and the other folk who came...

Dance Audition for MONKEYS
The MONKEYS prepare for their dancing auditions, or... Process is the thing,...


On tyranny and excuses
THE WOLF AND THE LAMB /ˈtɪrəni/ cruel and oppressive government...

The Fox and the Crane
Fox invited Crane for dinner but served bean soup in a broad flat dish the soup...

On deception and gullibility
THE THEIF AND THE INNKEEPER /dɪˈsɛpʃn/ the action...

The Woodman and the Serpent
One winter Woodman found Serpent stiff and frozen with cold Woodman gently cradled...

Two Soldiers and a Robber
When travelling wearily home Two soldiers were beset by a robber One hid The...

The Fisher
Fisher went sailing on the lake Playing the bagpipes Saying: the fish will dance...

On clothing notoriety
THE WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ clothes collectively:...

The Mule
One Sunday after dinner with nothing to do MULE frolicked and pranced Saying my...

The Lioness
There was clamour and boasting amongst all the beast. Claiming their worth by the...

Attacking Call
Sports figures from the news depicted with antelope heads and hooves 

Pomegranate, Apple-Tree and Bramble
POMEGRANATE: Look at me, I am so beautiful. APPLE: Nay, look here, everyone turns...

The Bat and the Weasels
BAT fell to the ground Caught by a WEASEL who said: BIRD is my favourite dinner! Oh...

On familiarity and content
THE FOX AND THE LION /fəˌmɪlɪˈarɪti/ close acquaintance with or...

Ratio of sheep to humans
Three nude female figures with sheep heads pose for a selfie

The Herdsman and the Lost Calf
HERDSMAN loved the flock, every one One day BABYCALF was lost HERDSMAN searched and...

The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller
CHARCOAL-BURNER worked from home where black was black FULLER worked from home too,...

The Raven and the Swan
RAVEN lusted for SWAN Floating in the pond With dazzling white...

THE ANTS were industrious Working hard, planning for their future GRASSHOPPER was a...

The LION and the MOUSE
LION was woken by MOUSE, oh dear careless MOUSE LION lashed out: You’ll pay for...

What is precious to one may have no value for another
COCK was searching for food for himself And the HENS When he found a precious...

Endless possibilities
Recovery, each time the fabric it streatched it becomes a little weaker, oh so slightly...

When I decided to post my sketches online I scrolled for suitable tags, one of the tags I...
