Ta da

Then there was a hard times, they are telling us again on the radio that this is a hard times. This is not as hard a times as five years ago was.  Or maybe ten, not five.  But now I am thinking about it there have been quite a lot of hard times, perhaps the trick is to not think about it too much.

Swish swosh, there was a time I struggled to fall asleep.  For weeks I found something else to do rather than sleep.  Now I rush to my bed for my dreams are pleasurable.  Filled with the flushes of joy, the rushes of laughter and light.  Why would you not want to sleep when you could dream?

Full length
There is a story I wrote a few years back.  Full length.  It has quirky details...

April 23
Another month slipping into this year, and, sure, I am going to read numerous more books,...
