025 :: Dreams

Tell me your dreams. (Peter)

To have a house like this.  To have parties that are in the Nuvosphere. (Naomi)

English (Peter)

Naomi did not move.  She did not repeat her words in English.

No one is translated in the Nuvosphere. (Peter)

Some are. (Naomi)

You have to be famous to be translated. (Peter)

So.  I will be famous.  I will be an actor like the play George watched yesterday.  Skroll makes it easy.  Playback makes it easy.  (Naomi)

To be an actor you will have to talk English with the director. (Peter)

I will be famous.  I will find a way. (Naomi)

Naomi.  I am not trying to be mean.  I believe you can make it if you want. (Peter)

Peter sighed.

Okay.  Maybe I am saying this the wrong way round.  I should not be trying to argue.  Thing is it is not easy for us.  We have to work hard.  We have to work all the time.  This is their game.  Their rules.  Their language.  It would be easier to get started if you had English.  (Peter)

So.  What are your dreams then. (Naomi)

Why not try English when you can. (Peter)

Fine then.  I do care.  No tell me. (Naomi)

She rolled on her side facing away from Peter.

Can I eat now. (Naomi)

Peter looked at his Skroll.

We should wait until they have left. (Peter)

Peter showered.  Naomi lay on the bed playing with her Skroll.  Her back to the shower.

Peter dried.

We can eat now.  They are gone. (Peter)

He left the room.  Naomi followed him.  In the kitchen Peter opened a cupboard.  He pointed to the cereals.  He opened the fridge.  He held out an egg.  He held out bacon.  

Naomi nodded. 

Naomi sat on the breakfast barstool.  She watched Peter cook breakfast.  He wore an apron making him half naked.  A clean crisp apron.  Naomi stood.  She got an apron too.  She looked at her bum.  She did a twirl.  The kitchen screen lit up.  It showed her twirl.  The algorithm likes showing off.  Naomi laughed.  She twirled again.  She opened and closed cupboards.  She found two plates.  Two glasses.  She filled them with apple juice from the fridge.  She placed them on the breakfast bar.  She searched the drawers for cutlery.  She finished laying the table.  She sat.  Peter served.  They ate in silence.  The kind of silence that appreciates good food.  

Naomi opened her Skroll.

I will try to speak English. (Naomi)

Peter smiled at her.

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