A new book

May I try new paper, I haven't tried it yet but I have it.  A plane notebook with rules lines to draw my Amorals, the lines are, obviously, for the lines and I have to decide if I am going to simply use ink on the paper to draw the pictures with the lines, of if I am going to use a white mask, maybe acrylic, to hide the lines, or if I am going to use the white mask as part of the picture I draw.  This may take a few attempts to get it right.  I wonder if I will need a second book.

They practice, all day, all year, all the years since they were young they have been practicing, competing.  Winning, although there was only one winner the runner ups pay cheque seemed a fair amount of winning, but as the commentator had said earlier, in a different context, it can't always be just about the money. Well done to them.

May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the question may I in May.  I will give it a go, I will do something new whenever I can, try something new (I imagine there will be a fair amount of food involved).  Read something new, watch something new, oh there are so many things to try.  I may not always find a new thing, but I will always be on the lookout for the new thing.  Oh, what will the new thing be today?

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Images from the news collaged together, or... He thought about it, he thought about it...

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...

The CRANES are in the field  And FARMER chases them away. Oh look, the CRANES...
