Old dogs

So, I wonder if the old dog doesn't learn the new trick because the old dog cannot be bothered with learning new tricks because the old tricks have got the old dog to their old days and why bother if your days few and so could probably do.with the old tricks.  But there are so many interesting things about the new, now.  The new is thrillingly different to the old so it is worth learning new tricks just for the momentary diversion.

So, if life revolves around the way we are paid, that is the point of contention.  That is the point of change.  Simple enough when deciding which of the job ads to respond to, not so simple when figuring out change in the places we are not paid, following that dream, developing that understanding.  Or even doing the dishes in the household, another example of where the willing pay and the callous are paid.  

Motivate, motivation, motivated.   This month I would like to reflect on my days with the thoughts of the emotive sayings and thoughts I claim are my inspiration, and work those ideas into little stories, with their beginnings, mixes and endings.  Oh how inspiring!

Swan off on Jollies
A male nude figure with other words, or...  on their jollies they would have had the...

April 24
Motivate, motivation, motivated.   This month I would like to reflect on my...

Queen of Staves
Exuberance and enthusiasm, graceful in creativity and action in fire
