
The back seat, what a luxury.  Having the time and space to sit back and not worry about things either big or small.  Not to worry about the speed with which we are approaching the car stopped at the lights.  Or the destination or if we will be on time for the appointment.  We were, and we didn't rearend the car stopped at the lights.  And I had the luxury of being able to sit sideways and think about how to review a book that didn't live up to the promise of it's first chapter

Today I made the best millionaire shortbreads I have made.  The shortbread was cooked just right, normally I overcook it so it gets hard but this time I was brave and took it out tha oven on time.  And the caramel was soft but firm.  And the chocolate layer was a little thick, but that was ok, you always want to be able to get even better.

So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many years.  It is not a devastating issue but not is it a negligible issue, I regularly feel moments of sadness which I relate to the issue even when the issue is not impacting me at that moment.  There seems to be no resolving the issue, and there seems to be no intention or hope for resolving the issue.  Certainly, the solutions I have tried have not resolved the issue in any way.  There are others involved so there may be solutions but that is not what I am thinking on this month.  This month my meditation is how can I be the best person I can through the issue, and could I be my best person, or close enough to my best person, should the issue never be resolved.

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For a moment it felt like I had finally understood zen, I had made peace with the path...

February 24
So, there is this issue.  It is an ongoing issue which has been going on for many...

It is time to ask why
Protest images from the news collaged together 
