Another day

The amount of space occupied is a function of ta property of the material.  That small lump of coal takes a small space but she sure leaves her dirty mark, and that Burning coal takes up so much more space but is nice when you are the right distance away, so it is that I was the coal today, taking little space and waiting for the fire lighter to being me a another day.

So, it started with a complicated dilemma: if someone were to tell you a story in which they may have done something bad, should you do something about it?  And what are the circumstances in which you do nothing about it?  And what does doing something about it mean anyway?

Fake it till you make it.  But there comes a point at which you have moved passed the point of making it, the skill set and understanding needed to make it are just not in your gift, and then the plan is to fake it until you are run out of town, run out of the rodeo. Faker!

Fake it till you make it.  But there comes a point at which you have moved passed the point of making it, the skill set and understanding needed to make it are just not in your gift, and then the plan is to fake it until you are run out of town, run out of the rodeo. Faker!

Strenuous physical exercise in hot conditions is not actually as strenuous as it would be...

June 23
There seems to be an inertia settling over my days, like a dust that for some reason is...
