Ambition for breakfast

The day started with great ambition, as should all days for if there is no ambition at the start how does the ambition fire up.  The day, as a whole, has to be considered to have trundled by, all the parts were there but there was nothing exceptional about today.

Strangely, while painting the walls, the cupboard started questioning my intentions.  No, I replied, I am not wanting to cover everything in white. No, we are not moving or selling, you will have us for some time yet.  And no I do not need to buy smooth running drawers from Amazon.  Mr Bazooka even has my cupboard on his sales team, I don't believe it.

Joy of an idea
So this is something that happens.  I have an idea, and at that point there is...

March 23
This month I will have to read even more novels than I did last month if I am to finish...
