
As a genuine laugh always does, it makes people laugh.  And the person it made laugh was beautiful, tall, thin, a loose moustache. And a genuine joy of being there.  A delight that did wane, admittedly, by the end of the day.  A delight that slowed as it seemed we had little in common other than both of us trying to say something witty and entertaining.  I started off well, but stumbled into cliches and, in the end, realised I didn't take any risks, I didn't open up.  Safety all the way.

A male nude figure, or... Perhaps butt and fart are just words used to attract attention, usually in a juvenile attention seeking way.  But does not being juvenile mean being forgotten, I know an old man who, I suspect, has very few conversations. Perhaps none today save with the shop keeper. How long before that man forgets how to converse.  Forgets how to be a part of the whole and ends up as the part alone.  Perhaps that old man should mutter the words butt and fart again.

Far-right Chameleon
Images from the news collaged together, or... There is an interesting difference between...

June 24
Say something nice, clever, funny, or uplifting.  This will be easy on a Monday when...
