021 :: Exploring her Skroll

Naomi woke in an empty bed.  She had gone to sleep alone.  Sprawled.  In the night she had felt Peter get into the bed.  Bumped into his arm.  She had curled up on her right side facing away from him.  A wide gap between them.  

She got up.  Peed.  Picked up her Skroll.  Lay on the bed.  On her stomach.  Skroll in front of her.  Duvet covering her.  She touched her picture.  A spidermap appeared.  Her circle in the middle.  The next circle was Peter.  A short line to him.  She tapped his circle.  The circle increased in size.  A video.  He was in Diane’s room.  She touched the video.  Nothing happened.  She pinched the video.  Nothing happened. 

She touched her circle.  Her image turned live.  She looked about herself.  Worked out where the camera was.  Waved.  She got out of bed.  Holding up her Skroll.  She looked for the camera.  She examined above the door.  She did not find it.  

She lay on the bed again.  On top of the duvet.  She touched her live picture again.  A new set of circles appeared.  Peter getting into her bed.  The master lifting sushi from her nipple.  Her cooking with Peter.   Her arriving at the house.  She touched the image of her arriving at the house.  The video filled the screen.  Playback video.  Their faces live while the rest was CGI.  She probably didn’t notice.  She touched the subtitle symbol.  It sparkled.  The spoken words in the video appeared on screen.  Translated for her.  She read what she did not understand the day before.

Thank you.  I hope you are happy here.  You can contact us should you have any difficulties. (ATS Agency B13)

She watched Simon turn to Peter.

Thank you.  Do let the masters know they can contact us should there be any problems.  Goodbye.  (ATS Agency B13)

She touched the save symbol.  Simon’s image appeared in her contacts. 

The agency. (Naomi)

Her words filled the name field.  She touched save.  She scrolled the video back to when Peter opened the door.  She added a tag.

When I met Peter and thought he was the master. (Naomi)

She pinched the video closed.  

She opened the video.  She deleted the tag.  She pinched the video closed.

022 :: Playback
Naomi touched the picture of the master lifting sushi from her nipple.  It was the...

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