Spring clean

A clean house is the sign of an ordered mind, so I decided to clean the house.  But.  Well the truth of the but was that I started cleaning a d an hour later I was still cleaning and two hours later I was still cleaning, and I was getting tired of cleaning, and tidying and organising and reorganising.  But another hour later and I was still at it, I would still be at it now but spring is nearly over.

I heard for a long life you have to give up the things that make you want a long life, but I think you have to give up the crutches that weigh you down.  I think you have to give up the goal of having a long life and rather appreciate the long life you or your loved ones have.  But don't be a fool, don't ignore that weight loss, it might be the sign of something bad, very bad, or it might not but talk to an expert today.

Swallowing Conkers
Collaging together images from the news, or...  Waves, happiness comes in...

April 24
Motivate, motivation, motivated.   This month I would like to reflect on my...
