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This is a very thin life, svelte, perhaps would be a better word as svelte implies something that is to be desired as it means slender and elegant.  This life is thin because while I lack in nothing, I have all the entertainment I want, I have the distractions I like, what other lifestyle would allow me the time to paint so many naked middle aged overweight men?  But this life is fileed with pauses.  Today, I will be waiting for an hour before I can sleep.  I won't fill that hour with that entertainment, or with the desired painting.  I will just wait, for it is my lot to wait.  I am not waiting for something in particular, I am not on Godot's route.  I am just waiting for the completion of the hour because I cannot think of the good thing to do in that hour.  This is why my life is thin, and thinning like my hair, it is my mind that is getting thinner and hopes fade.

It was a well written story, starting from...

August 23
This is the summer, the air is warm and the...

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