watercolour and ink on paper
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War, migration, scandal, political crisis, and another, sporting prowess, what will this year bring?

Social media are forever asking where you...

A Real Look
Collaging together images from the news of...

Zombie League
Collaging together soldiers from images in...

Who are the rebels
Persons from the news collaged...

It's Time
Collaged together images from the news,...

Asylum Seekers on Bail
Figures from the news collaged together in a...

Yearn for the Void
Images of conflict and disaster from the...

It is time to ask why
Protest images from the news collaged...

Nopausal Women
Images of women in the news collaged...

New Law to Protect Victims
Images from the news collaged...

You have to get involved
Various images from the news collaged...

Under Growing Pressure
Images from the news collaged...

Six Defeats
Ink drawing of images from the news...

Tell the whole truth
Images from the news collaged together;...

Despite the Uncertainties
Images from the news collaged together or,...

Wreaking Havoc
Collaging together images from the news,...

Swallowing Conkers
Collaging together images from the news,...

On Suspicion
Images from the news collaged together,...

New wave of protests
Collaging together images from the news,...

Club votes
Images from the news collaged together,...

Related Stories
Sketches from images from the news,...

Take gamble by calling
Inspired by images from the news, or......

People flee
Images from the news collaged together,...

Slander Conviction
Conflict and migration images from the news...

Far-right Chameleon
Images from the news collaged together,...

I have seen the decline
Images from the news collaged together,...

And the heatwave
Inspired by images from the news, or......

Keep Fighting
Collaging together images from the news,...

Step Aside
Collaging together images from the news,...

Poverty Taskforce
Inspired by images from the news, or... It...

Show of force sends message
Inspired by images from the news,...

Horrifying Undercurrents
Inspired by images from the news, or......

Activists and conspiracy theorists
Inspired by images from the news, or......

Unbearable strategy and waiting
Inspired by images from the news,...

Artful Takedown
Inspired by images from the news, or......

I'm not pretending I haven't lost
Inspired by images from the news, or... Why...

Three-year wait
Inspired by images from the news,...

Pay the Price
Inspired by images from the news,...

Repercussions are inevitable
Inspired by images from the news, or......

Calls for real peace
Inspired by images from the news, or... Yet...

Extraordinary Hypocrisy
A nude male figure with pattern, or... we...

Not posing threat to life
Inspired by images from the news, or......

Guilt is overwhelming
Collaging together images from the news,...

Essential Supplies
Inspired by images from the news, or......

After we attack
Images from the news collaged together,...

People we will not hire
Images from the news collaged together,...

The Key Swings
Collaging together images from the news,...

The anxiety that drove it
Collaging together images from the news,...

For first time
Inspired by images from the news collaged...

And will it succeed
Collaging together images from the news,...

Cost of Closing
Collaging together images from the news,...

Must reassure consumers
Images from the news collaged together,...

Not planning a murder
Images rom the news collaged together, or......

Heartfelt thanks
Collaging together images from the news,...

Very Intentional
Collaging together images from the news,...

Policing will lead to clash
Collaging together images from the news,...

Another year to set on fire, another fifty2...

Contacts and Information