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Ambivalence and commitment

There he stands, so statuesque he may as well be made of stone.  So solid he does not bend to the urges, and the urges, they do come strong.   You can see he has just faced a change, he has faced a decision, weighed up the options, perhaps made a list, discussed it with those whose opinion he values, and they ahve said to him to go with his heart, they have talked about the options so that when he did choose to go with his heart it was an informed heart.  You can see this because our knight is on his steed, he is prepared to walk on the new path yet in some ways he is still loyal to the old path. he is beset with urges to take an old step.  Ambivalence and commitment are not mutually exclusive.

Knight of Coins
Methodical, deliberate, persistent, capable...

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