Oh death, here you are with your melancholy and finality. Last night I watched a film, the name doesn't matter, it could have been one of so many, shall we call it Jonah and the Whale? A long dark tale of fear and rebellion finally climaxing with the good people of the ship collaborating in Jonah's murder. And to death he plunged, miserable, excruciating death by whale. Yet his prayers and his repentance saved him, or, perhaps the Director had used a faulty whale. This life-death-life cycle is is part of the initiation stage of a heroic journey. Facing death may be the end, or it may be a painful new beginning.
the fool
Oh look at that fool, falling, floundering,...
ii the high priestess
The High Priestess knows about...
iii the empress
But how does it feel, how does it really...
iv emperor
But what is power and what does it mean to...
vi the lovers
The lovers have choices they can make,...
viii strength
There she goes again, our hero embarking on...
xiv temperance
Everything, life is not a cartoon with...
xv the devil
I have heard the devil is an oppressive...
xviii the moon
And so began my week of lunar...